Saturday, August 31, 2019

Impact of National Culture on Organisational Principles

Discuss the impact of national culture on organisational principles and behaviour in TWO of the following: China, Japan and/or India. What do you consider to be the most important differences with the West? National culture can be classified as â€Å"the collective mental programming† of a society (Hofstede, 1980). The culture will have great repercussions on the way the way organisations and the different sectors within them are run. Managing them and controlling the human resources will also be dealt with according to the specified culture of the country.It is vital for organisations to understand the culture of different countries that they may be dealing with internationally or have multinational corporations within. This is because the collection of beliefs, habits and traditions within other nations may vary drastically from their own. The Japanese have a strong national culture that affects the way organisations behave and the different principles within them. The natio nal culture is important as it helps structure the culture of organisations. People then know what is acceptable, certain ways to behave and values. They have a number of laws to abide by and for this reason it is very important to follow the culture. A competitive advantage can also be gained as the culture is different to other nations. Children are encouraged to work very hard and it is not about the degree they get but rather how they use what they have learnt and put it into practice that counts. As they are given employment for life in a certain organisation, rather than moving from company to company, they are very hardworking and dedicated. Body postures show respect and bowing for reeting people is common along with gift giving for good effort. If a mistake is made, one does not get in trouble for it as the Japanese simply believe it is a lesson that has been learnt and honesty is key. Teamwork is vital for the Japanese. Countless managers in Japan feel their employees are motivated by working as a team. This is because as they are all working towards the same goal they share many responsibilities and get along well with each other, hence enjoying their job. This is a characteristic of Ouchi’s Theory Z when they are satisfied with their input towards the organisation. Japanese managers believe in consensus and cooperation and use the ‘bottom-up’ rather than the ‘top down’ structure in the decision making process. The hierarchical structure cannot easily be seen as everyone cooperates hugely within the decision making process and dealing with tasks. Managers highlight the need for information to flow throughout the entire organisation be it top or bottom and feel the need for everyone in the organisation to participate. They should be available at all times and readily be enthusiastic to sharing information with the rest of the organisation. The Japanese have been practicing upon many techniques in their organisations which help them in their everyday working lives. Samuel K. M. Ho’s 5-S practice is a procedure which is used to institute quality within the workplace. These five words when translated into English mean organisation, neatness, cleaning, standardisation and discipline. The people of Japan feel if they preserve this quality, it can be used as a good promotional tool. Another well known practice carried out by the Japanese is something called ‘kaizen’, which simply means ‘continuous improvement’. Kaizen is a strategy that aims to involve everyone in the workforce by getting them to think of any improvements for the business frequently. It is a Taylorist approach which helps employees feel recognised and gives responsibility. This is done by carrying out tasks in teams, providing personal discipline and improved morale to the workforce. Quality circles are carried out in which employees give opinions and suggest improvements. The ‘Just In Time Production’ theory is something the Japanese use which is very efficient. It focuses on getting the right material at the right time, at the right place and in the exact amount (Authorstream). This is done in order to save manufacturing costs and has many advantages one of which is it helps prevent stock going out of date as the right amount is produced. So overall, in Japan the national culture affect the organisational principles and behaviour greatly. Organisations expect loyalty, commitment and hard work from the workforce in return for good pay. The culture determines the way in which people are brought up, who is chosen in which organisation and the way people do things in their everyday lives is due to the specified culture. The culture of China varies from region to region within it but overall the culture is homogeneous. The government have been a considerable influence to the culture in organisation as it changes views to suit their needs. There was a cultural revolution from 1966 to 1976 which slightly changed the culture of China because of economic reasons. The previous system hugely converged on philosophy, literature and history but now the national culture has become more open with the world. The main factor of the Chinese culture is politeness. In everyday life, in and out of the workplace politeness determines an individual’s personality. Organisations usually select those who have the best attitude and family are usually giving priority before anyone else. As with Japan, lifetime employment is also the case with China and the organisation become like family to the employee. Respect is very important and the Chinese must ensure they give this at all times in order to prevent the ‘loss of face’. Once someone in China loses face, they are regarded as untrustworthy and lose their dignity along with their self respect. Greetings in China are usually made with the face and the Chinese depend on facial expressions and tone for reputation and respect. As with Japan, teamwork is vital in China as this guarantees good cooperation within the organisation. Gifts are given as recognition of hard work and appreciation and are also used for motivation. Long term relationships are also much more valued rather than quick transactions as the Chinese find it easier to function when they have contacts. This is a more family way of working and is part of Guanxi. Guanxi literally means any type of relationship (Chinese-school) and a favour is usually done for a favour in return. However, he difference from the Japanese culture is in China there are clear levels of hierarchy and people are usually judged according to their status. The seniors will always be given priority and no decisions can be taken upon without their consent. If mistakes are made in China it is regarded as a huge weakness. Confucianism has largely influenced the Chinese. It is a ‘complex system of moral, social, political and religious codes’ (Smith, 1973). It is unequal and values men more than women. There are fewer women in the workforce and they are regarded to have less importance than men. Overall, there are many similarities in both eastern countries, Japan and China, with only a few differences. Every nation has their own culture which makes them different and gives a competitive advantage over others. The people in these nations abide by the certain cultures sustaining them throughout generations. There are many differences in the way national culture impacts organisational principles and behaviour in China and Japan than in the West. In Japan, hierarchies are not so clear whereas they are very clear in China. In Western countries, company structures change depending on which industry is being looked at but the overall hierarchies will still be of importance. In both Japan and China, social relationships mean a lot and people usually get given employment due to family and friends and build them up from there. Once they receive employment within a firm, it is usually lifetime employment and they treat the firm like family. However in Western countries, people are given jobs according to their degree and on a professional level. People switch from company to company and their role moves up if they are top performers. Western countries unlike the Eastern are only concerned with employees on a work basis. This is different to Eastern countries that are judged on both home and work and actions outside the workplace can be severe. Men and women are not looked at differently in the Western countries but in Japan and China are given a lower status and fewer women have top positions within the workforce. When a mistake is made in a Western country it is usually overlooked however in Japan it is counted as part of the learning process and in China it is regarded as a weakness. In Japan, decisions are made by groups of up to one hundred people whereas in Western countries they are finalised by only about ten people. Regardless, decisions are still usually made quicker in the East than they are in the West. Corruption is something that occurs widely in China which causes certain decisions to be taken that benefit the rich making the rich richer and the poor poorer. This does not occur much in Western countries as in the UK, such Cartels exist to reduce corruptive actions. There are many similarities and a few differences between both Western countries, Japan and China that have been listed above. The main difference in culture is the East usually treats their nations more as family and actions inside and outside the work place are something they have to account for. The differences are become fewer though, as these Eastern countries are slowly being influenced by the West because of internationalism.References

Friday, August 30, 2019

Do You Feel any Sympathy for Januarie? Essay

All humans are flawed and without these flaws we wouldn’t be human. Contrary to common assumption Januarie is not merely a two-dimensional character used as a didactic device to demonstrate the importance of spiritual wealth and the innate immorality of the female species. Januarie is a multi-facetted character that like all humanity is imperfect. Januarie’s shortcomings create a level of affinity between him and the reader, as a modern reader it is easy to relate to Januarie and sympathise with him, moreover the fact that Januarie seems to learn very little from his mistakes creates a comic affinity between him and the reader, Januarie embodies the view that ignorance is bliss. Januarie’s pursuit of a wife and consequent marriage to Maye can be interpreted as a confession; an admission that in the end physical satisfaction cannot bridge a spiritual chasm â€Å"And folwed ay his bodily delyt, On women, ther as was his appetyt, As doon thise fooles that been seculeer†. Throughout the Merchant’s Tale circumlocution is used to argue the case for a ‘wholesome’ marital lifestyle as opposed to a ‘sinful’ hedonistic lifestyle, the reader is so engaged by the merchant’s convolutions that the obvious bypasses us. Januarie is the man who could have anything and everything, anything on a material level that is. One might question whether potentially an individual apparently contented with his lifestyle could turn around and willingly sacrifice it. Januarie, in spite of his intellectual limitations, has clearly put his life on the balance and assessed what really matters, Januarie chooses his God over everything else â€Å"And for to lyve under that hooly boond†. Moreover throughout the tale Januarie is openly telling us of the loneliness he feels â€Å"He lyveth helpless and al desolat†, if one was to read between the lines it is apparent that Januarie feels desolated and forlorn, the feeling of true appreciation cannot be bought with any currency. Januarie is becoming painfully self-conscious and it is beginning recognize that no amount of friends or sexual partners can counterweight spiritual emptiness. Credit must be given were it’s due and Januarie’s marriage to Maye was a turning of a new leaf for him, it marked the opening of a new chapter in his life. Certainly, it might be argued that Januarie’s true motives for marriage are not completely reputable. Januarie wants to marry for three main reasons; to birth an heir; for permitted sexual intercourse; and for a place in heaven. However the counter-argument to that is that Januarie only desires the afore-mentioned because society has set the dictate. Society dictates what is correct, it also dictates what is needed and this results in a move towards social conformity. Therefore it can be read that Januarie is a victim of medieval society. Januarie is clearly insecure and self-doubting or else he wouldn’t have renounced his epicurean life â€Å"QUOTE†. As a reader, sympathy can be felt for an individual forced to abandon a lifestyle he is supposedly happy with, Januarie has been indoctrinated by t he social order. From a modern perspective Januarie leads a completely acceptable and feasible lifestyle, and it is social pressures that have pushed him into marriage. Sympathy might also be felt because Januarie is the victim of his own stupidity, he has also brainwashed himself that he ‘needs’ a wife â€Å"QUOTE†, Januarie has persuaded himself. It cannot be forgotten that Januarie does show signs of decency and goodness during the course of the tale. He practices ‘gentillesse’ in his treatment of Damyan, when he finds out of Damyan’s â€Å"siknesse† we see a new dimension of Januarie â€Å"That me forthynketh† Januarie even goes as far as too insist on him and Maye paying a visiting him as soon as possible â€Å"To doon hym al the confort that I kan†, we see a virtuous aspect of Januarie’s personality. It is proleptically ironic that this â€Å"Gentil squire† Damyan that Januarie even quite unwittingly acclaims as â€Å"wys, discreet, and as secree As any man† will cuckold him. Januarie talks of no dowry from Maye’s family and is really saving her and her children from a lifestyle. Maye’s treatment of Januarie towards the end of the tale also elicits sympathy from the reader, even more because throughout tale we are constantly reminded of the incongruity of the couple’s ages â€Å"Whan tendre youthe hath wedded stoupyng age†, it is inevitable that as a modern audience we sympathise with a blind old man rather than a young nubile girl who is â€Å"mannyssh wood†. The one man who has pulled her out of the slum life she once lived, and catapulted her into a lifestyle so far taken from her own is being used as little more than a footstool, an object used to achieve sexual gratification from Damyan, we see the squalid, animalistic nature of humans. We see that Maye is ultimately no better than the old Januarie. Januarie is obviously happy in his new life because he refuses to see a lie when it stares him in the face in the form of May and Damyen up the tree.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lab Report on Effect of Enzymes Essay

ntroduction The enzyme catalase is present in cells in order to speed the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is a toxic chemical to the human body. When hydrogen peroxide is broken down, the end products are Water (H2O) and Oxygen (O2). In this report, the reaction of catalase to hydrogen peroxide is being tested. Furthermore, the effects of temperature, concentration, and pH level on this reaction are being considered. We hypothesize that he experiments will show that Catalase speeds the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, and the oxygen will produce a larger bubbling effect in the solutions where the optimum conditions for enzymatic activity are present. These optimum conditions should be in warm temperature, high concentration, and high pH levels. First, the reaction of catalase to hydrogen peroxide is tested with no additional factors. Then, to study the effect of temperature, three ranges of temperature are introduced in the second experiment. Next, to study the ef fect of concentration, three different levels of catalase are studied in the third experiment. And finally, to study the effect of pH, solutions with three levels of hydrogen concentration are tested in the fourth experiment, again with hydrogen peroxide and catalase. Methods Experiment 1: To test the catalase-hydrogen peroxide reaction with no additional factors, we marked three test tubes to the 1 cm and 5 cm marks. Catalase was added to the 1 cm mark of test tube 1 and test tube 3, while test tube 2 was filled to the 1 cm mark with water. Hydrogen peroxide was added to the 5 cm mark in test tube 1 and test tube 2, while a sucrose solution was used to fill test tube 3. All test tubes were mixed and we waited 20 seconds for bubbling. Test tube 1 represented the experiment, while test tube 2 was the negative control for hydrogen peroxide, and test tube 3 was the negative control for the catalase. Experiment 2: To test the  effect of temperature on enzyme activity, the solution created in test tube 1 of the previous experiment was recreated in three separate test tubes. Test tube 1 was placed in an ice bath. Test 2 was placed in warm water. Test tube 3 was placed in boiling water. Experiment 3: To test the effect of concentration, three separate test tub es were set of to have three different concentrations of the reactant (catalase), while the substrate was consistent across all three test tubes. Test tube 1 was filled in the same fashion as test tube 1 in the first experiment. Test tube 2 was then filled to 2 cm with catalase and then to 7 cm with hydrogen peroxide. Test tube 3 was filled to 3 cm with catalase, and then to 8 cm with hydrogen peroxide. Experiment 4: Finally, to test the effect of pH Level on enzyme activity, three test tubes were again created. The concentration of catalase and hydrogen peroxide are again the same as in test tube one in the first experiment. However, 2 cm of water adjusted to different pH levels were added. In test tube 1, 2 cm of water with pH of 3 is added to the 1 cm of catalase and 4 cm of hydrogen peroxide. In test tube 2, 2 cm of water adjusted to the pH adjusted to 7 was added to 1 cm of catalase and 4 cm of hydrogen peroxide. In test tube 3, 2 cm of water adjusted to the pH adjusted to 11 was added to 1 cm of catalase and 4 cm of hydrogen peroxide. Discussion The discussion section includes your interpretation of the results and provides the answer to the research question described in the introduction. Specifically, discuss whether or not your hypotheses were supported. Also, include a comparison to previous studies, discuss the limitations of your study (briefly), and detail unexpected findings. Finally, summarize your conclusions and discuss the significance of your results in a broader context. Use the appropriate tense as described above. References The references section is a list of all references cited in the text. Arrange references alphabetically according to author name, not chronologically. The name of the journals containing the cited papers should be written out in full. Town/city and country names should be provided for non-journal references. Each article reference should be given as in the following example: Alfano J.R., Collmer A. (2004) Type III secretion system effector proteins: double agents in bacterial disease and plant defence. Annual Review Phytopathology, 42, 385–414. Books or other non-serial publications which are quoted in the references must be cited as follows: Gage J.D., Tyler P.A. (1991) Deep-sea Biology: A Natural History of Organisms at the Deep-sea Floor. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK: 504 pp. Lester R.N., Hasan S.M.Z. (1991) Origin and domestication of the brinjal eggplant, Solanum melongena, from S. incanum, in Africa and Asia. In: Hawkes J.G., Lester R.N., Nee M., Estrada N. (Eds), Solanaceae III: Taxonomy, Chemistry, Evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; London, UK: 369–387.

A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film Essay

A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film version directed by Franco Zeffirelli 1968 - Essay Example In the play, Romeo is in the process of recovering after being jilted by Rosaline (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 155). A rejected lover’s instinctive reaction is to find another love as soon as possible, and Romeo does this, becoming amorously involved with Juliet. The movie however does not depict or refer to Rosaline at all, thereby not laying the foundation as to why Romeo became involved with Juliet. The second difference is discernable in the portrayal of the lovers’ mood during the marriage scene. In the play, Romeo and Juliet are both in a serious mood, which is reflected by the way they speak (in Act II, Scene 6, Line 6 Romeo remarks that the Friar’s holy words were solemn enough to join his hand with Juliet’s in marriage. In the same scene {Lines 33/34 (}, Juliet declares that her love for Romeo has grown so much that she is not able to estimate even half of its rich value). In Zeffirelli’s movie the marriage scene is frivolous, with Romeo and Juliet shown kissing, cuddling and giggling all through it. The third difference is apparent in Juliet’s chamber during her funeral scene. In the play, although the Friar knows that Juliet is in fact not dead, still he maintains a deadpan expression throughout the funeral scene, properly condoling the Capulet family, telling them to dry their tears and prepare to bring Juliet’s body to the church for the last rites to be dispensed (Act IV, Scene 5, Lines 68-86 { romeo_juliet/full.html}). In the movie, the Friar almost lets out the secret that Juliet is not dead by being unable to control a giggle; luckily none of the mourners notices what would seem to them a strange act on the part of the holy man (Zeffirelli, Franco. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet {1968}).† The last difference lies in the final scene when the real funerals of Romeo and Juliet take place. In the play, the Montague and Capulet families bury

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Declining Confidence in Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Declining Confidence in Government - Essay Example This essay looks into some of the texts that have focused on the issue. Balz, D. (October 13, 2013). Public confidence in GOP, government declining fast. The Washington Post. Retrieved from confidence-in-gop-government-declining-fast/ The Washington Post is a popular form of media that addresses most of the contentious issues facing the US and other parts of the world. The article highlights the recent events involving the US government that have resulted into a decline in public trust. The article discusses the surprising results from the Gallop Polls and the NBC News-Wall Street journal following the historic government shutdown (Balz, 2013). People knew that the threats of a regime default and the shutdown would lead to a disruption of the stability of political parties in Washington. It was even more surprising to find out that so much damage could be achieved in a short time. The article also states that the mistakes of the Republican Party also contributed to the shutdown. The article is viewed as showing some of the most alarming trends in the modern times. It was clear that the citizens have lost faith in the government and its ability to steer the country towards the right direction economically. It is clear that most citizens are pessimistic and are counting on the situation to get worse (Balz, 2013). The present standoff that has resulted into a considerable decline in public trust in the government is similar to the one experienced in the discussion about the increase in the debt ceiling. It has been observed that the decline in confidence in the government has fallen to levels that have never been experienced before. Democrats did not escape the criticism as well. This is owing to the fact that they were also blamed for the shutdown. The article states that the opinion polls from various organizations revealed similar trends in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Federal Trade Commission and Merger - Arbitron, Nielsen Research Paper

Federal Trade Commission and Merger - Arbitron, Nielsen - Research Paper Example This implies that for any merger to be acceptable it must comply with the business laws as provided by the government. For example, in US, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an agency that has been established by the government to ensure unfair business practices are avoided. Additionally, FTC is responsible for prevention of fraudulent business strategies that would jeopardize not only the shareholders investments but also the consumer’s money. Another notable function of FTC is to create a competitive business atmosphere. In this way, the negativities of monopoly as well as price discriminative policies are addressed. During the merging and acquisition processes, it is imperative for managers and directors to engage all the stakeholders that include the shareholders, creditors, auditors and other investors. This paper aims at discussing the merger between Arbitron, and Nielsen companies and the implications of FTC on the merger. Nielsen Holdings is an American based firm that deals in providing its local and global clients with information regarding the behaviors of their consumers in the market. With its headquarters based in New York and in Netherlands, the company operates in more than 100 countries in various regions world wide. In this regard, the company enjoys wide market segment that places it at a competitive position. Key people who oversee the operations of the company includes David Calhoun and Rick Kash, the CEO and the vice chair respectively. Other individuals in the management team include Brian West, Steve Hasker, Mary Liz, Mitchell Habib and Itzhak Fisher among others. One of the notable aspects that have contributed to the success of the company is the establishment of quality services that are highly demanded by companies that are focused at facing off the various challenges in the local and international markets. The three key products by Nielsen include provision of consumer information, market measurement as well as consumer resea rch. Nielsen has been involved in a number of business strategies that have not only positive impact on its capital base but also in its marketing strategies. These include strategic alliances, mergers as well as acquisitions. Some of the companies that the company has either acquired or formed a merger with include WPP Group, VNU, Buzzmetrics, Blackstone Group, IAG Research, The Cambridge Group and more recently Arbitron among others1. Arbitron is a US based firm with its headquarters in Columbia, Maryland. Having been founded in 1949 by Jim Seiler, the company original services included collection of television ratings that it adopted during the research process2. Just like Nielsen Holdings, Arbitron is engaged in a number of mergers immediately after it was established. Some of the notable companies that the company has merged with include Cooper, Clay and Coffin. In a deal that was aimed at making the company more competitive in the global market, Arbitron merged with Nielsen Ho ldings in 2012 resulting into change of names to Nielsen Audio. Key person who oversee the acquisition process was Sean Creamer, the company chief executive officer. Summary about the merger between Arbitron and Nielsen Arbitron and Nielsen Companies have for a long time been used by firms to provide with information regarding the consumption of their brands. Based on the need for two firms to improve their market

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Essay - 2

Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results - Essay Example Two crucial functions in the McLaren’s business operations strategy are R&D and Operations. Whereas the operations function is concerned with the transformation of resources into products, the R&D function concerns itself with the innovation and development of new technologies/product lines. The two functions work hand in hand in delivering quality products that are relevant to the fast changing market demand. This is consistent with McLaren’s strategic plan of constantly introducing new models or derivatives every year. Q1.2 With the main objective of the operations function being creation and delivery of goods & services with customers’ needs in mind, it is important for McLaren to analyze whether it is consistently achieving the same. An Inputs-Outputs transformation model is a systematic approach to operations management. This system is important operations managers at McLaren considering that the organization aims at attaining competitive advantage through early introduction of new models or derivatives in the marketplace. Operations have three components i.e. inputs, transformation process and outputs. The transformation process refers to all activities involved in the conversion of inputs through value addition into outputs that satisfy customer needs. There are three resource types that may be transformed in the process of operations. Materials include the rubber and other physical inputs, information may include the innovations availed through R&D and customers include but not limited to companies involved in formula one racing. Proper utilization of materials, information and understanding of customer needs, therefore, enables organizations effectively achieve their operational goals. McLaren has invested heavily in R&D and this makes it compete favorably among peers in the marketplace. Q1.3 One manufacturing strategy used to  determine and manage interactions between different organizational systems is the process approach to quality.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Essay

The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets - Essay Example Taking into consideration the impact of political, social and economic factors on the establishment and growth of foreign ventures, it is paramount for company directors to ensure coverage of wide areas during the risk analysis process. One of the benefits of risk analysis is that it provides directors with adequate knowhow on goods and services to offer as well as choices of location. In addition, it helps company owners with policies that are vital for operations of a company. Similarly, risk analysis helps companies to be compliant with laws in foreign countries. This report analyzes economic risks, political risks, business environment risks and currency risks that we need to consider before our company embarks on establishing a joint venture in Nigeria. Economic risks One of the major factors that affect the growth of Nigeria economy is poor planning by the government. This has not only resulted to high level of unemployment but also a reduction of household’s income thus lowering the consumer’s purchasing power. For example, the revenue generated by the country’s extensive oil industry is not effectively managed thus increasing the poverty level in the country. In addition, the country has small arable land thus lowering the total food production. As a result, the country has reduced exports thus lowering the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Another area that is negatively affected by poor government planning in Nigeria is infrastructure system. For instance, the country has poor road system making it difficult to assess rural areas as well as expanding business activities. It is worth to note that for any country to develop, competition is vital since it allows innovation and production of wide range of products in the market. However, a major obstacle affecting Nigeria economic prosperity is lack of genuine competition. As a result, market forces do not play a vital role to regulate the economy. In the same way, the country leaders are significantly engaged in controlling the economy an aspect that is contrary to the Adam Smith ideology of not allowing governments to interfere with economy (Dwivedi, 2001). Macroeconomic imbalances are another challenges facing Nigeria. For example, new ventures have the risk of facing unstable inflation and excessive borrowing by the government. Additionally, the government has failed to commit itself to address the macroeconomic challenges thus leading to larger deficit in the government budget. Political risks In order to establish a profitable business venture, it is imperative for investors to consider the political situation of the country they wish to invest. It is vital to note that even though a firm can have adequate finances to cater for its own internal security, political instability in a country can negatively affect the operations of a company resulting to its closure. This implies that as we focus on entering the Nigeria market, it is fundamental to analyze the pol itical factors of the country thus identifying the obstacles or the benefits that our firm is likely to face. One of the major political aspects that are notable in Nigeria is the rivalry that exists between the North and Southern residents. This was catapulted by the policy that was applied by British government that included use of direct rule on the southern region and indirect rule in the Northern area. Not only has the rivalry between the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Feminist Movement in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Feminist Movement in England - Essay Example According to the essay "Feminist Movement in England" findings, in England, the movement of feminists has been quite successful to an extent. O'NEILL declares in his study that the major change for women in the history of England is about their employment. Even in the times when England is facing the problem of unemployment, it is surprising that the employment rate of women is seen to increase. This shows that the working class of women is rising to a level that would match up to the men’s level. Hence the employment prospects for women have increased significantly in the past years. Women who are mostly in their mid ages get hired by different firms (O'NEILL, 1969). Recently a renowned economist told a group of individuals who were leaving their school that it would be not them who would get hired but their moms. This clearly shows that women in their middle ages have brighter prospects of getting employed. However, this statement is true to an extent but at times it can als o mislead the women. On the contrary Mohanty & Alexander state that this situation of employment cannot be compared to the situation in wartime when the women took over all the job opportunities they could get i.e. even the job of a man (Mohanty & Alexander, 1997). The women today in England are working in such a way that even the man wouldn’t consider doing. The twenty years of the movement of feminism in Britain has greatly influenced the whole system. The employment rate among women has increased significantly.... The revolution in the employment sector started from the 18th century as Engel's in his book describes the revolution. Mohanty & Alexander further explains that the industrial sector was experiencing a change and many individuals were replaced by modern technologies (Mohanty & Alexander, 1997). As men were removed from their labor women got a chance to enter the arena of employment. Comi states that women were the first to enter the work of maintaining and servicing the machinery which was bought in by the industries. In the recent times there have been a lot of developments in the world of women in England. Women are increasingly getting the rights which they should get (Comi, 2003). However, on the other side of the story, Dervin declares that women are still facing some difficulties while living in England. Even now the problem of rape and discrimination occurs in England. The cases of rape and trafficking of girls is still found in England. Other sorts of discrimination among the genders are also taking place (Dervin, 1997). Dixon claims that the United Kingdom consists of more than fifty two percent of the women's population. But still the percentage of the women which work in the government departments is far much lower than that of the males. 18 percent of the women signify for the Member of Parliament 23 percent for the civil department and 36 percent for the government employments. This shows that in all these departments there is discrimination amongst the women as they are not on the higher posts like the males. Thus it can be said that the males are dominating the society in England (Dixon, 2001). However the percentage calculated here is far better than the percentages analyzed when feminists

Friday, August 23, 2019

Disc 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disc 1 - Essay Example The human and resources department in many companies fill the gap of motivating the employees by ensuring that they retain the talent in the company (Kokemuller, 2009). Companies like coca-cola have for a long time rewarded and created an environment for its employees to grow and be innovative in their respective roles. The company offers further training to talented staff at Coca-Cola University (Coca-Cola Company, 2011). The incentives are fostered by the human and resources department that identifies talented employees and avails the incentives to develop for them. The Human and resource department plays significant roles that are crucial to helping the company achieve its goals and objectives. The department plays the central role of rewarding the hard working employees by pay rises and promotions (Kokemuller, 2013). Kokemuller, N. (2013, July 22). Functions That the HR Attempts to Fulfill in Any Organization. Retrieved may 21, 2014, from Chron: Richard, L. (2013, June 01). Top Three Recommendations for Implementing an HR Strategy in an Organization. Retrieved June 22, 2014, from Chron:

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Clinical Experience of Student Essay Example for Free

Clinical Experience of Student Essay My learning throughout the first year has been helped by an unerring optimism in the value of nursing, and an appreciation that each and every daily interaction augments my experience. This enthusiasm, however, has caused an inhibitory effect on my self-directed researching, and created conflict in some placement areas. While developing my role as a nurse, my activities as a person at home and beyond have diminished, as I attempt to adjust to the demands of both domains (Spouse 2003:109). I resent distracting influences, and frequently domestic pressures restrain my desired pace to accumulate factual knowledge. As described by Palmer et al. (1994:40), my learning can oscillate between two extremes, â€Å"all or nothing†. Spouse (2003) depicts the student nurses’ need to develop multi-tasking skills emotionally, mentally and physically as they are caught between the cultures of clinical areas, peer-driven University life and home. The conflicts arising from these settings create a disharmony, which I believe for some, may undermine nursing as a career choice. The competence of a future nurse is evaluated by evidence-based documents, instructors, mentors assignment and examination results and is based on a continuum of regular assessments. The learning experience of a student nurse remarkably influences own practice in clinical areas, as well as the performance level of the student in academic matters. First timers in clinical rotation engage themselves in the initial stage of familiarizing and accustoming one’s self to the practice becomes crucial. This is the point when printed theories in books and hand outs are recalled nd reshuffled in the mind in order to carry out the best intervention suited for a particular situation. It was never easy for the a novice student nurse to be assigned in the OB ward or in the emergency room without sufficient knowledge about postpartum care or familiarity with the basic instrument used in minor surgeries. Also, inadequate and ineffective education influences the manner that one gains necessary principles and skills needed in actual and assisted delivery cases. This has affected the coping strategies of the trainees to different problems arising in the clinical settings. In reality, some just performed as assistants instead of handling actual deliveries—this is also dependent to the hospital protocols—and some were just given free cases. This fact has urged others’ curiosity to get a hasty view of the first learning experiences of the other nursing students who are also in the same level. Some people ought to assess the level of students’ adjustment with the respect to different conflicts they have encountered so that appropriate improvements in nursing education programs will be obtained. The trend to commit oneself to healthcare field has not yet wiped out especially in nursing profession. Students seem to be devotedly engaging themselves into this line as seen with continuous enrollment of freshmen students and transferees, may it be influenced by financial demands, personal preferences, or just by current blooms. The Professional Regulation Commission reported that the country has an oversupply of 400,000 licensed nurses (Porcalla, 2008). With this fact that there are still thousands of nursing graduates in the country who are either unemployed or working as call center agents, clerks, salesladies or salesmen, discouragement in the part of the fresh high school graduates is still invincible. Though many say that those temporary jobs are just their means of earning money while waiting for the board examination, individual encounters prove that a significant percentage of those graduates would just end up working in the same condition; others fortunately have passed the board and served as volunteer nurses to gain experience during the initial years of the profession; and some might have dealt with hard life or just settled down rearing families. For so many reasons, nursing career—for some—terminates there, which should not be. Why is it that even universities have started to limit accepting nursing enrollees due to overpopulation of out-of-work nursing graduates, the governments need for ideal healthcare system is still unmet? The answer would be—it is a matter of competition! In the Filipino context, it goes, Matira ang matibay. As with the student admission criteria of one hundred eleven medical schools in the United States, education programs and requirements filter nursing students meticulously (Reynolds, W. Scott, P. A. , Austin W. , 2000). Spouse (2003:42) depicts the student nurses’ need to develop multi-tasking skills emotionally, mentally, and physically as they are caught between the cultures of clinical areas, peer driven university life and home. The conflicts arising from these settings create a disharmony, which Greenwood (2003) believes for some, may undermine nursing as a career choice. Aside from it, it is not new to hear stories about taking the course with the dictate of the mother in exchange for the big Dollar sign neither a complaint for expensive matriculations and a shelf of three-kilogram-books. According to Rep. Satur Ocampo, â€Å"Low and inappropriate budget of DOH for 2009 now pegged at 28. 9 billion still does not address the problem of the exodus of nurses in the country†(Porcalla, 2008). It is one of the major sicknesses of the country’s healthcare system which puts down the field. But with the growing population and high expectancies of quality care and competence, nurses should be skillful in integrating theoretical frameworks, as well as nursing philosophy, into real life situations so that high quality care can be delivered and optimal health will be met and promoted. Nursing is an art, an art of caring. Nurses are much involved in lots of health teachings and interventions; and are expected to portray a variety of roles. Be it as an educator, communicator, caregiver, counselor, advocate or as a leader, a nurse should possess a well-defined body of knowledge and expertise in the field especially on actual scenarios (Kozier et. al. ,2008). Student nurses may be perceived as trainees, yet it is far apart from that thought. It is incorporating oneself to and embracing the vocation of helping and providing care in order for mastery and dedication to be more likely. The developmental educative process in nursing is a sophisticated and complex combination of scientific, logical, humanitarian, communicative, experiences and psychomotor skills, designed to consolidate abilities to produce â€Å"knowledgeable doers† (Greenwood 2003, Sajiwandani 2000, Slevin 1992, Cheung 1992). Nursing students at this point of time should be cautious whether they have delivered or could deliver appropriate care. They have to be very vigilant because they deal with a lot of toxic things every single day (Tacdol, 2008). It is not anymore in a classroom setting, it is more of real life situations. When at the area, there is no room for mistakes. No more dummies. No more trials. The reflective process enables the students to gain a sense of proportion. While researched academic study underpins practice, there are frequently qualifications made by nursing staff about ward performed procedures, stating â€Å"real-life† situations employ differing methods to those taught in the class room. These instances challenge student’s assumptions and provide impetus for further clinical reflective investigation (Spouse 2003, cited by Greenwood 2003). They also serve to demonstrate the existence of multiple methods of care delivery, attuning them to motives and perspectives of other practitioners in the healthcare team, indicating that others have legitimate reasoning (Palmer et. al 1994 cited by Greenwood, 2003) The performance of students in the clinical area is greatly affected by difficulties they encounter especially in their first clinical duty. Factors include relationship with clinical instructors, misunderstandings arising from group works, hospital policies and requirements, alterations in contingencies when handling patients and so on. As new members of the healthcare team, adjustment to different stressors seems to be crucial. It is an undeniable fact that problems with the clinical instructor top all. Many claim that superiors sometimes do not provide favorable atmosphere for learning. Using negative reinforcement is one of the examples. Others found this as beneficial since it helps the students to ask questions, enhances perception, and inhibits recurring of errors. But many negate this assertion. Embarrassment, comparison to other schools, and stickling behavior of the superior notably outweigh the benefits it should have made. Although many have agreed that the student nurses are very effective in delivering their duties and responsibilities in the clinical areas, there should still be improvement in the learning scheme of the education provider because there is no room for mistakes in the medical profession because it deals with a very fragile thing-life- and a single mistake may cause an enormous damage which is death. The students must be prepared and trained well before their exposure in the clinical areas so as not to commit error (Babula et. al. , 2006). Group conflicts such as lack of teamwork have something to do in accomplishing case studies. Hospital policies and protocols may at times become annoying and confusing. Different shifts and location of clinical duties tend to be the second in the list. Personal moods and anxieties affect functioning of the whole personality which may result to unproductive planning and ineffective nursing interventions (Abaravar et. al. , 2006). Moreover, unexpected problems arising when handling patients are to be aided with harmonious interaction between the instructor and the students while correction and giving of remedies are done (Amania et. al. , 2008). The identification of these common conflicts that are actually the factors which affect the level of performance of nursing students in clinical duties extensively bring up good adaptation behaviors and ease up finding solutions to the mentioned conflicts. Because of the continuous efforts made by some concerned people behind the nursing education? students, educators, and also the registered nurses in the profession? improvements in nursing curriculum has been made. Though distinction between the old and new curriculum of the program have been clearly identified, effectiveness of each are still debated and talked about more often. For nursing education and nursing career does not end in passing all the academic subjects and completion of the PRC forms, one has to subject himself in difficult situations when nursing judgment becomes a necessity. As nursing student begins on the path of career, he or she finds new opportunities unfolding as from within which brighten the path ahead. The kaleidoscope image used on the cover of the 7th edition of Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier and Erb is an everchanging piece of art with its colors, light and form. As it turns, it represents new opportunities for beautiful new designs. Seeking light and reflections to form new shapes allows one to open one’s mind to all possibilities a kaleidoscope has to offer (Kozier et. al. ,2007). Same with the field of nursing, there are many areas that a nursing student may have never imagined at the beginning of his or her journey. As nursing students open their minds and eyes to these wonderful chances, a good experience they had gained when they were still first timers would be a pertinent tool and inspiration in attuning upcoming difficulties and developing passion in the career. These would let them not to desist from this world of struggles. Conclusion A qualified nursing practitioner is a professionally trained integrated member of the health-care team. This professional education should be life-long, beginning with three years pre-registration factual knowledge and skill acquisition. As previously described there is a symbiotic relationship between nursing’s craft and nursing wisdom, and they are required in practice simultaneously. Despite the apparent impression given by traditional methods of education that these categories exist seperately, for nursing they are fluidly cohesive, one informing the other, through reflective analysis (Watts 1992:). The elements experienced by nursing students during their training are bonded internally together to authenticate their practice, by unleashing possibilities inherent in the situation between patient and the therapeutic self (Kirby and Slevin 1992). The following guidelines are intended to promote improvements in the student’s learning experience. Qualified staffs that direct pace and direction of study need to encourage students in imaginative and innovative ways to prepare them for adoption of new concepts and the flood of changes and that they will need to make in all aspects of their life. Support such as this will guide them through the vulnerable initial stages of their steep learning curve of level one, as echoed by the dissonance described in the first paragraph of the essay. Guidelines I would like to see better preparation of mentors by lecturer-practitioners within clinical placements, in order to foster environments of positive, constructively planned activities. From this, students can gain insight to challenge their assumptions and lay-view of nursing. In this respect, I would like those in the clinical settings to be encouraging students rather than attempting to degrade their efforts by dismissing their academic research based interest in the subject of nursing. I would like access to professional teaching staff in-college at all times, especially immediately prior to and post placement. I hope for tutor liaison with mentors more regularly within the clinical settings, serving to remind mentoring nurses that their duty to support students is real, and linked with Higher Education Establishments. I would like to see in-college mentors giving better, basic and consistent guidance while initially developing the concepts of critical reflective consciousness and the production of an evidence-base of knowledge thus strengthening the intellectual and practical growth of students.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What are the relevant facts Essay Example for Free

What are the relevant facts Essay According to this case, Stacy is a new employee of a local CPA firm, who is on probation and asked to perform an advanced level jobs, because this firm has a heavy turnover. There are some morale and organizational problems with this CPA firm, so that a psychologist is brought into assess these problems. Both Stacy and other employees in this firm point out the same management problems, and some employees even have resigned from this firm. Stacy is helping interview candidates for the open accounting positions. What are the ethical issues? Generally, Stacy has a duty of loyalty to the firm when interviewing prospective job candidates. There are laws require that an employee refrain from behaving in a manner that would be contrary to his employer’s interests. But this duty of loyalty is not absolute; it is influenced by the responsibility and trust between employees and employers. Therefore, even Stacy has a duty of loyalty to the firm, he also can judge if employers’ decisions and arrangements are right. He has no duty to provide truthful information to candidates. What are the primary stakeholders? The partners of the CPA firm, Stacy, all other employees of the CPA firm, and prospective employees of the CPA firm, and clients are primary stakeholders. What are the possible alternatives? First, Stacy can resign from this CPA firm, if he thinks he can not do for the firm any more. Second, Stacy can be loyal to the firm and do what he is told to do. Third, he can tell the truth to the candidates about the information of this firm. What are the ethics of the alternatives? First, based on utilitarianism, Stacy should keep loyal to the firm and do not make frank communication with the candidates. Because this is related to his own job, he has to keep him away from being fired. Second, based on rights, candidates have rights to know the true information about the firm, so Stacy should tell them the truth. Third, based on fairness, tell the truth seems to be fair for candidates and him. But he may loss his job because of frank communication. This is an unfair burden for Stacy. What are the practical constraints? If Stacy tells the true information to the candidates and new employees about the problems at the firm, he might be reprimanded again or even be fired. It may also influence him when seeking a future job. What actions should be taken? Stacy may try to adapt the advanced level job by learning more skills, so that he can avoid making the same mistakes again. He can keep loyal to the firm when he is interviewing the candidates, and remind the new hires some problems privately. He can also make suggestions to the CPA firm.

Types of unemployment and their importance

Types of unemployment and their importance As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the meanings of unemployment. Generally, unemployment is a state of the people who are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for works. Moreover, we have two ways to express the amount of unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. Unemployment can be estimated as a rate of two numbers: amount of jobless people in labor force and total number of labor force. Claimant and Standardized are two means of estimating unemployment rates. However, collected information can be influenced by many factors: false claimants, demoralized work-seekers, part-time employees, and underground economy, etc. In a labor market, wages would adjust to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. There are two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. There are three types of disequilibrium unemployment: real wages unemployment, demand- deficient unemployment and growth in the labor supply. Demand deficient is one of the most factor which influences on the economy growth quickly because of the recession. The recession just happens in a short time but in fact, It will change many factors such as workers are difficult to get a job or the countrys GDP fall rapidly. Equilibrium unemployment has three types: Frictional unemployment that occurs as a result of imperfect information in the labor market. Structural unemployment arises from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in economy. Seasonal unemployment associated with industries or regions where the demand for labor is lower at certain times of the year. Table of Contents I. Introduction 5 II. Unemployment Error: Reference source not found6 A. The meaning of unemployment 6 B. Official measures of unemployment 8 C. Unemployment and the labour market 11 D. Types of disequilibrium unemployment 14 Real-wage unemployment Demand deficient or cyclical unemployment..à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Case studyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.17 E. Equilibrium unemployment (or natural unemployment) 19 Fritional (search) unemployment Error: Reference source not found Structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment.. III. Conclusion 21 Introduction The serious problem which every country must deal with increase their economy is unemployment. Therefore, before going any further we have to define precisely what we mean by unemployment. It depends on how narrowly it is defined. Actually, the general meaning is no job. Each country almost wants have a low amount of unemployment because if we have a high unemployment amount, our economy will gradually decrease our income. As a result, our economy will go down a lot. In order to understand easily we can examine how the economy flows as below: Unemployment Æ’Â   ® No income  ® No consumption  ­  ¯ Lay off workers  ¬ Productions Æ’Å ¸  ¬ Aggregate demand Æ’Å ¸ So, this flow chart keeps happen continuously over and over. Thats why our GDP is getting lower and lower as well as jobless people are getting higher and higher. II/ Unemployment: The meaning of unemployment As a matter of fact, almost countries experienced the recession. Moreover, the unemployment figures bring the recession into an even sharper focus. However, the average of unemployment has different levels in different countries. There are many different definitions of unemployment. As a result, we will focus on the meaning of unemployment and the ways express the amount of unemployment. Firstly, we have to address the meaning of unemployment. Generally, unemployment simply means that a person is jobless. Nevertheless, this meaning is not exactly right because children and retired people will be not essential for the statistics. Regardless of the fact that Michael Todaro defines it in two ways as voluntary and involuntary unemployment. The definition of voluntary unemployment is that the people do not find employment, and want to stay at home in order to take care of their families. Conversely, people are able and willing to work but there are no jobs available for them. Therefore, we can understand that unemployment is a state of the people who are adequate standards of health as well as ages and able to work, but they are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for work. Secondly, we should concentrate on the ways express the amount of unemployment. As a rule, there are two ways so as to represent the unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. The number unemployed is used when people are unable to find a job even so they are reading and waiting to work at the prevailing wage. Alternatively, the economists can be expressed the unemployment rate as a percentage if they represent the percentage of total labor force which includes all persons in employment and unemployment. In other words, the prevalence of unemployment usually express as the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of the labor force. For instance, if there were 30 million people in employment and 2 million people in unemployment in a country, we could find the unemployment rate by: All things considered, unemployment is one of the most important problems in the economy. The level of unemployment usually shows the economic situation in a country. Furthermore, it also changes over time because it depends on the economic conditions and other circumstances. B) Official measures of unemployment Unemployment is the serious problem in every country. It is one of the primary factors has effected to the increasing or the decreasing Government income. The main objective of every economy is always attempt to cut down a percentage of unemployment rates as low as possible, because it can be a charge of social, an ineffectiveness of human resources or a reduction of national revenue. In order to resolve these crisis effects we need to estimate the unemployment rate to boost the national economy. There are two general measures of unemployment: Claimant unemployment and Standardized unemployment rates. Claimant unemployment: According to this measure unemployment rate will be calculated as percentage between the number of claimants and the total of labor force. It has several important advantages. For example, it is not too difficult to resume information, and it is the fastest method so far. Although the method has the advantages listed above, it also has some disadvantages such as false information or overstate of people just wants to get allowance but not really looking for a job. In addition, this number excludes jobless people that cannot satisfies the qualified for benefits. Standardized unemployment rates: This is the modern formula set up by two international organizations: The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based primarily on them the rate will be collected by national labor force examination. Basically, work forces are enough old to go to work and also active to looking for a job right now. It is an improved measure but it still has the limit in somehow. First, we can observe it on the effective factor. For instance, providing the more exactly figure than Claimant unemployment because it include people who highly want to find out a job but cannot be eligible claimant at the meantime. In contrast, several bad factors of this method make it has some less effective. It is taking much time to survey and statistic. Moreover, it cannot count discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job after long-term unemployment. And people work for underground economy, which have illegal job for example drug dealer, mafia and etc. can be consider as unemployment while part-time workers who would like to get the full-time job but they cannot get any suitable jobs are excluded from unemployment numbers. To illustrate this let examine the unemployment rate in Australia with the method of Standardized unemployment rates from source of CIA world factbook: Source of CIA world factbook. Based on above column chart- the numbers of Australian unemployment rate survey from labor force- we can observe the lowest rate in 2009 and the peak in 2003. However, the percentage from 2009 to 2010 increases dramatically with percentage of +1.5% because the influence global economic resection. In order to avoid economic seriously affected by the recession, Australian government has solutions by injecting a lot of money as well as push their citizens to spend money to expand more job for Australians. However, this situation still does not effective in this time. To sum up, Australian government should have the right policies to improve this situation unemployment. C) Unemployment and the labor market In a labor market, wages would adjust in order to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. The reasons of unemployment can be divided into two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. In a perfectly competitive labor market, the intersection of demand and supply curves determined the wage rate and level of employment. Real wage S D N Labor Real wage S D Labor Average (Real) Wage Rate AS N e d W AD O Q No. of workers Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. According to the Sloman (2007), the aggregate supply of labor curve (AS) is fairly inelastic and it may become less inelastic when the new labor enter the labor market or the unemployed workers rather start to work than search for a new better job . It indicates the number of workers who are willing to accept the work at different real wage rate. Besides, the downward slope is the aggregate demand for labor curve (AD). Firms will spare employees and replace some factors of the production when the real wage rate is getting higher. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. D) Types of disequilibrium unemployment: 1. Real wage unemployment: Firstly, we focus on the real-wage unemployment which is the form of disequilibrium unemployment. It occurs when real wages for works are forced above the market-clearing level leading to an excess supply of labor. As a matter of fact, trade unions are one of the most important causes of real-wage unemployment because they control the wages by their power. However, their power has diminished significantly over recent years. Moreover, it is popularly believed that the minimum wage is also the reason for real wage unemployment. 2. Demand-deficient It also calls cyclical or Keynesian unemployment. If the economy slides into recession or inflation, this thing will happen. Besides, aggregate demand is a caused of demand deficient. If demand for goods and services decrease, it leads to the surplus of output and consequently, the firm are forced to dismiss amount of labor they employ before. Furthermore, the recession lasts more seriously and the higher will worst case. In addition, the people who out of work will be de-skilled or de motivated. As a result, it is hard to find a new job in the future or perhaps they earn a few money in lowing job. Cyclical unemployment will increase during the recession time otherwise will go down when the economy recover. Moreover, demand deficient may be happen in the long term because of many reasons. The first thing is if the company cut wages of worker, it dues to it will influences on aggregate demand and consumer spending. Next reason is the higher of unemployment will make the customer l imit their spending and it makes the GDP of one country will reduce Demand deficient unemployment is associated with the theory of J.M.Keynes who developed his General Theory of Money against a backdrop of the Great (.December 2nd, 2009 | economics) Unemployment caused by a fall in total demand with no fall in the real wage rate. Why real wage would not fall ? There are two reasons to explain this question Efficiency wages: The first thing is the traditional one of balancing the demand and supply of labor. The second is motivating workers. Efficiency wages means we will attract the qualified employees by pay higher salaries than the market clearing. Furthermore, the surplus labor market can make the employer work less hard and make substandard goods. Another ideas is that it can make the number of unemployment increase rapidly because they will hire a group of people who can work effective, as a result, they will get a lot of profits from employment. Insider power: the people are members of unions and they also have many special skills or their knowledge can attract employers while the outsiders do not have influence on the firm. As a result, the outsiders can drive down the real wage rate even eliminate demand- deficient unemployment. To examine more details about this problems, if the real wage really fall , perhaps we cannot solve this problem and might be make it worse because they will cut in workers wages, it leads to the workers income also go down. Consequently, labor force have to reduce their consumption of goods ->remain demand deficient unemployment. In addition, although the economy can overcome again, the demand deficient still fall steadily because of business cycle. 3. Growth in the labor supply The labor supply and demand need to balance together. If the supply of labors increases, it means there are many workers will seek the firm, but in fact there is not enough demand of labors, it may be a cause of unemployment. Moreover, the real wage will fall and it is also a disadvantage of things with employers. Finally, the woman or the children have over 16 years old can get a part time job despite the lower average wage rate. CASE STUDY Figure: Rates of unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64): 1995-2005 I will show you more details about unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64) 1995- 2005. It is difficult to measure of youth unemployment from full- time student to full time worker. In Australia, the trends of young people combine education and employment in many different ways. For instance, many teenage schools always find a part- time job to support their tuition fees such as waiters or waitress in the restaurant or Vietnamese students help their host selling foods in the supermarket Young people try on different types of post- school education just as they try-on different jobs (Wynn,2005). Moreover, it is hard to find a full-time job in 2005 because of recession. As a result, 20% teenagers who look for full- time work are unemployed (Parliamentary Library,2005). In figure 4 show unemployment among youth has fallen by a relatively large 5%, otherwise, the older workers also go down strongly in 2005 with 2%.Due to, a rise in participation rate of this group. Recent unemployment is a second group which is facing high unemployment. There three reasons, first of all are youth people, they have to spend a lot of time to find out information to get a suitable job. It is difficult for person who cannot speak English and they also shock by many varieties of culture even lacking of good- skills. Finally, the discrimination is one of the most important things because it always happens everywhere such as sexual, national origins or age (Richardson et at 2004). Data for 2005 show that migrants with these characteristics quickly find employment six months after arrival, 83% of skilled primary applicant had a job, while 12% were looking for work(5% were not in the labor force)*. In general, higher unemployment and non- participation in the labor force than for skilled primary applicants. Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. E) Equilibrium unemployment is the economic situation in which aggregate demands for and supplies for labor at the current real wage rate are equal. There are three types of equilibrium unemployment: 1. Frictional unemployment: Can be understand like this example, a  first-time job seeker  may lack  the resources or efficiency  for finding the company that has  the job that is available and suitable for him or her.  As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. Basically to understand that frictional unemployment is the place which is helps unemployment to search or find jobs for them, even they are voluntarily. Even though after the unemployment try their first job and they cant be suitable with that , they can be continue to ask the frictional unemployment to help them again to search a new job. In this place, so many available unemployment for workers search and neither for unemployment. 2. Structural unemployment: As you know, the computers may have eliminated jobs but they also opened up some of new positions for those who have the skill to operate. As we know, the structural unemployment is the place for company to changes their economy. There are 2 main reasons: A change in the pattern of demand b) A change in the method of production 3. Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment expected at a given time of year. Resort areas, for example, can expect to experience seasonal unemployment during the off-season. Unemployment statistics provided by the government are seasonally adjusted. CONCLUSION Unemployment is a serious problem with each country which has an important effect of society as well as economy. Firstly, we need to estimate a detailed amount of unemployment rate of each careers and ages. Moreover, from this estimate, the government needs to release the type of unemployment which will be necessary to improve. From this point, it should put forward a lot of suitable strategy or policy about society and jobs. To improve this situation, we should have job information, which is provided by government job centers, by private employment agencies, or by local and national newspapers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Comparison of McDonalds and Foxs Diner :: comparison compare contrast essays

McDonald's and Fox's Diner       McDonald's and Fox's Diner are two of the restaurants in Lake City, Tennessee. But even though they both sell hamburgers in the same town, they don't have anything else in common. They cater to different types of customers, there is a noticeable difference in service speed, and every facet of doing business is handled differently. Even the atmosphere of these two places is in contrast.    These two restaurants do not compete for the same customers. McDonald's is located just off the interstate, so many of their patrons are not local residents. Another reason is that they are universally known. Fox's is further away from the interstate. Aside from the over-the-road truck drivers who know the area, most of the Diner's customers are local residents. As well as targeting different customers from Fox's Diner, McDonald's also places more emphasis on speed. McDonald's makes job specialization an integral part of their operation. They crank meals out on an assembly line. They use computers to take orders, automatic timers to assist in cooking, and radio headsets to communicate. Even the color scheme used by McDonald's promotes speed. Studies show that loud colors like red and yellow increase customer turnover. With the exception of handling money, tasks are shared by the staff at the diner and there isn't anything high-tech about the operation.    Fox's Diner is a world away from the bland, impersonal McDonald's just a few miles north. It sits on the right side of a two-lane highway leading into town. The Diner serves both as a truck stop and as the restaurant for a small motel next door. The parking lot looks vacant until about five in the morning because it is large enough to accommodate a dozen tractor trailers. Years of use have left potholes and a patchwork of asphalt that resembles a moth-eaten quilt.    The diner itself is a doublewide   trailer set high on a five foot, cinderblock foundation. An aluminum awning extends outward about six feet along the front of the building. Underneath the awning, yellow fluorescent lights, which theoretically do not attract bugs, glow at night. They are mounted over a row of metal framed, screened-in windows.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Art of Supervising Essay -- Business Management

Since the beginning of time there have been people who are leaders and there are those that choose to be followers. As an effective leader, one must possess certain traits and skills that include knowing how to motivate others to accomplish a task. This assignment will discuss the role of a supervisor in the multicultural society of today and the three traits needed to become an effective manager. This assignment will include the relationship between managers, supervisors, and employees and how these relationships assist in guiding organizations in achieving their maximum potential and the importance of finding the right employee to meet those goals. In today’s business world, supervisors must have a unique skill set that includes being able to communicate well with others, having the ability to effectively coach others, understanding the dynamics of working through others, and possessing performance management skills that allows them to handle changes in a positive manner. The role of a supervisor is similar to the role of a mother or father. Just as a mother or father nurtures their child to become the best that they can be, a supervisor does the same with his/her employees. A supervisor who is committed to setting their employees up for success is essentially a recruiter, trainer, planner, motivator, coach, and a leader for others to follow (Cassidy & Kreitner, 2010, p. 9). While there are numerous traits that a supervisor should possess, there are three imperative traits that stand out above the rest in my opinion. These traits are (1) emotional intelligence, (2) being honest and ethical, and (3) having the ability to accept diversity. Emotional intelligence, or EQ as it is known today, can be defined as noncog... ... Works Cited Cassidy, C., Kreitner, R. (2010). Supervision: setting people up for success. p. 8-199. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Daft, R. (2010). Innovative management for turbulent times. Chapter 1, p. 8. South-Western Cengage Learning. Retrieved from Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2012). Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives (6th ed.) p. 67-69. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Moglia, T. (Author). (1997). Supervising for success: A guide for supervisors. Retrieved from Sterrett, E.A. (Author). (2006). Manager’s pocket guide to emotional intelligence: From management to leadership. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The History and Theory of Magical Realism Essay -- Literature Essays L

The History and Theory of Magical Realism      Ã‚  Ã‚   Fantasy, Magical, Supernatural, Sublime, and Realism are all several genres of literature that may be familiar to many people. However, there may be one that is not as well-known as these: Magical Realism. Although Magical Realism is mostly common in the Latin American countries, one may wonder where and how Magical Realism got its start. On the other hand, one may simply wonder what some of the characteristics of Magical Realism are. By looking at the history and theory of Magical Realism as well as some of its characteristics and influences, these questions will be answered. Interestingly, the term "Magical Realism" was first used in 1925 by a German art critic, Franz Roh. In his essay, "Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism," Roh used the term "Magical Realism" to actually characterize a style of painting instead of a style of literature (15). However, there are still at least two different viewpoints as to where and when Magical Realism truly had its start. In Angel Flores' essay, "Magical Realism in Spanish America," he claims that Magical Realism had its basis in the works of Franz Kafka. Furthermore, Flores thinks that the year 1935 was the year that Magical Realism had its beginning in Latin America because this was the year that Jorge Luis Borges' work, A Universal History of Infamy, appeared in Buenos Aires. After the appearance of Borges' works, several other writers began to follow his style, giving Magical Realism its rise in popularity in the years of 1940 to 1950 (Flores 113). In his essay "Magical Realism in Spanish American Literature" Luis Leal disagrees with Flores' viewpoint. Leal does not think that Magical Realism had its growth during the 1940 to 195... ...Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 125-141. Flores, Angel. "Magical Realism in Spanish American Fiction." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 109-116. "Garcia Marquez - Biography." 14 Jan. 2001 <>. Leal, Luis. "Magical Realism in Spanish American Literature." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 119-123. "Magical Realism." 8 Jan. 2001 <'Reilly/Chronicle2/page2.html>. Roh, Franz. "Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 15-30.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Why Lower status groups have higher crime rates?

According to some sociologists, lower status groups have higher crime rates because they do not have access to legitimate means of achieving. This view is supported by sociologists such as Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin who believe members of the lower classes commit crime because they are not given the same opportunities to achieve as other members of society. However, this view could be disputed, as it is by sociologists such as Miller and Murray who believe other factors are involved such as the focal concerns. This essay will assess the extent to which lower status groups commit crime because they are denied access to the legitimate means of achieving success. According to Cohen, lower class boys have the same success goals as the rest of society but have no opportunity to enjoy these goals. He believes that the lack of opportunity here is because of their educational failure and then their dead-end jobs. This could be supported by Willis' ethnographic study on a number of ‘lads' at school. This study showed that these boys had come to terms with the fact they were going to be stuck in dead end jobs as they did not achieve anything at school and therefore formed anti-school subcultures to deal with this. According to Cohen this amounts in status frustration as the individuals become frustrated that they cannot achieve anything and with their low status in society. Due to this, they turn their attentions to achieving through other means – crime, they reject the success goals of common culture and replace them with others as Merton described in his responses to cultural goals. This new found calling can help them to gain status and recognition, especially from their peers, albeit for the wrong reasons and thus a delinquent subculture is formed. It can be seen as a collective solution for all the problems faced by the lower classes. Cohen believes that â€Å"the delinquent subculture takes its norms from the larger culture but turns them upside down. † Thus, the subcultures are a negative reaction to a society that has denied opportunity some of its members. This would suggest that the members of lower status groups deviate because they are denied access to the normal routes of success and shows that because of this there is greater pressure on certain groups in society to deviate. Cloward and Ohlin follow the same path as Cohen, however they develop his ideas. According to them Cohen failed to look at the illegitimate opportunity structure. They believe that lower status groups are denied access to the legitimate means of achieving success; however an illegitimate route is available to them. This opportunity could come from the fact that in some areas there may be a high rate of adult crime and this means that there is access for adolescence to follow the same path; however in other areas this culture may not be present. According to Cloward and Ohlin areas with a high rate of organised adult crime creates a learning environment for younger generations, meaning the common norms and values in these areas are different from those who apply themselves to the legitimate opportunity structure and a criminal subculture is created. Conflict subcultures are created in areas where there is little opportunity for adolescence to achieve through the illegitimate opportunity structures. This means that there is no access to either legitimate or illegitimate opportunity structure. According to Cloward and Ohlin the response to this situation is usually gang violence as a means of reaching built up tension and frustration towards the lack of opportunity. Retreatist subcultures are also created by those who have failed to have access to illegitimate or legitimate opportunity structures, thus they retreat from society and enter a retreatist subculture. Thus, all of these subcultures are created because these people do not have access to the normal means of achieving success. Other sociologists however, believe that it is not the opportunity for success but other factors that influence lower class crime rates. Miller, who studied lower class subcultures in 1950s America, discovered that the subcultures were not formed because of the inability to achieve success, but because of the existence of distinctive lower class subcultures. According to Miller there are a number of long held cultural traditions followed and these differ to those of the higher strata. He believed that these traditions passed down from generation to generation actively encouraged lower class men to break the law. Miller believes that there are a number of focal concerns of the lower class. These focal concerns are toughness that involves trying to prove their masculinity; smartness, which involves trying to outsmart each other and excitement which involves having ‘fun' which could involve alcohol, drugs, gambling and joy riding. According to Miller argues that delinquency is just the members of the lower strata acting out the focal concerns, if in a slightly exaggerated way! He believes that it has a lot to do with boredom of work and these focal concerns help them to live with the day-to-day boredom. Thus, the crime rates of the lower class are not because of the opportunities available to them but because of they have their own norms, values and traditions that are carried through from generation to generation. Murray also believes that it is not due to opportunity but believes in an under-class who are a group of either unemployed or unemployable people. He believes that this underclass share there own common norms and values and reject those of mainstream society. He believes that the welfare states are to blame as it means that people do not feel the need to work and can live of the state and reject the idea it is important to hold down a job, thus they turn to criminality. This means that he does not agree that crimes are committed because of the lack of opportunity, but more because of the opportunity to be given money from the state and not have to do anything. Stephen Jones also agrees that there us an underclass, but believes there are also number of side issues such as racial tension and gang warfare that helps to add to the crimes. This view could be supported by crimes in Britain such as the shootings of Letisha Shakespeare and Charlene Ellis in 2003. Overall, it can be said that there are a number of reasons as to why crime rates are high in the lower class. It could be because they are denied access to legitimate means of achieving success as they need to fine some way to succeed. However, it could also be due to the fact that learning environments are created and traditions are passed though the generations making it common and normal in the lower classes for crimes to be committed and normal for aspects such as racial tension to be a big part of life. Therefore, there it could be said that it is not just because of there is a lack of opportunity for members of the lower class, but because they already have there own norms and values of which t follow.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Yes Men Fix the World, Ethics of Protest and Bringing Issues to Light

AG401 Film Yes Men Fix the World, the Ethics of Protest and Bringing Issues to Light 1. What ethical/moral/philosophical constructs are the activists operating under with respect to their tactics in protest? The Yes Men use Utilitarian Ethics of Duty and Rule Consequentialism. With this mindset, they carry on pranks and hoaxes to reveal the lies of large corporations and government. In the theory of Duty-Based Ethics, people do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. These large corporate giants do nothing but take the toll on others’ misfortunes.An example of Duty-Ethics can be seen when Andy impersonates Jude Finisterra, a spokesperson for Dow Chemicals, being interviewed on BBC regarding the Bhopal Legacy catastrophe of Union Carbide and its deadly gas leaks in India. He is quoted saying, â€Å"this is the first time in history that a publicly owned company, of anything near the size of Dow, has performed an action which is significantly against its bottom lin e, simply because it’s the right thing to do. † In theory of Rule Consequentialism, it states that an action is morally right just because it is required by an optimific social rule; relating back to Duty Ethics.With the motive under Rule Consequence, the Yes Men planned to set a course of actions which might trigger a reaction so that corporate giants and government may conform to such a social rule. As long as the outcome is of a happy ending for the public, Mike and Andy will have succeeded to change and affect society in ways that money could not. To correct an action which harms society more than benefits it, sometimes ridiculing and exposing the negative aspects of it might be the only course for corrective action. 2. Do the tactics distract from the message or lend power to the message? On what ethical grounds?In theory, such pranks and hoaxes are supposed to create change as a result from negative publicity. This derives from Kantian Ethics, which actually goes against Consequentalism, kind of an oxy-moron. Although it is morally just, their actions do have negative consequences to certain parties. As far as exposure goes, their tactics seemed have to work in their favor, and the Yes Men have also defied legal repercussions in every scenario. And by bringing such important public issues into light, some objectives were achieved; transmitting the power of voice towards the public, and conveying the theory of moral duty to the companies.However, their main purpose was not accomplished, and their tactics seem to have failed again; in fact nothing significant was taken into consideration or changed by any of the targeted corporations, or even the government entities. For example, in the Catastrophic Loss Conference, Andy and Mike pose as representatives from Halliburton; which they have claimed was the top company in extracting profits from a disaster. Halliburton has made hundreds of millions of dollars off the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and now the Yes Men have arrived to presenting another invention called the SurvivaBall; again to â€Å"profit† off some disaster.Their tactic was to create the â€Å"biggest joke ever by making fun of stupid concepts with stupid ideas. † And with something as simple as the SurvivaBall being so useless, it relates to the concept of Big Corporate making money off others’ misfortunes instead of solving the problems which lay before them; the ironic part is that the SurvivaBall is actually more useful than what the government or companies like Halliburton have created for disasters. But to their shock when all was presented, their attempts of letting people know what â€Å"sucked about letting greed run our future,† was instead greeted with business cards. . What about the ethics of law enforcement in dealing with activists? If anything was taken from this documentary, it was that companies cannot learn to behave differently by themselves; government has to mak e rules to control them. To fix the world, it is going to take more than two guys, cheap suits, and fake websites; it would take millions of people. When activists begin threatening for change, law enforcement entities may only deal on legal premises; as there is a right to freedom of speech and to assemble and petition the government.If no harm and damage or rioting is caused, law enforcement may only be there to prevent incidents. An example may be observed with over two dozen people wearing SurvivaBall costumes demonstrating in the East River; where police shut down the demonstration for lack of a permit. Andy Bichlbaum was arrested on an outstanding parking ticket charge and a handful of others were served with summons and tickets for disorderly behavior and creating hazardous conditions. So they also tried this, attempting to cost HUD more money and put some out of jobs.They hope to expose to the public by making a mockery of an entity in able to stimulate a solution or action. But it never works. Mike Bonanno Andy Bichlbaum Duty-Based Ethics Jude Finisterra, faking as a spokesperson for Dow Chemicals regarding the Bhopal Legacy catastrophe of Union Barpide and its deadly gas leaks in India, quoted saying that â€Å"this is the first time in history that a publicly owned company, of anything near the size of Dow, has performed an action which is significantly against its bottom line, simply because it’s the right thing to do. However it was hilarious that he noted they were going to liquidate $12 billion in assets to provide care and compensation to the victims and their families. Halliburton #1 company in extracting profits from a disaster. Made Hundreds of millions off Katrina, and now (name) and (name) are presenting the Survivor Ball, to â€Å"profit† off a disaster. Biggest joke ever, of how to make fun of stupid ideas, well, with stupid ideas. For example, something so simple of a Survivor Ball is useless, also like the concept of mak ing money off others’ misfortune instead of solving the problem.But the ironic part of this is that the survivor ball is actually more useful than what the government or companies like Halliburton have created solutions for disasters. But what their attempts of letting people know what sucked about letting greed run our future, but instead of freaking out, they just took their business cards. Companies cannot learn to behave differently by themselves, government has to make rules to control them. So they also tried this, attempting to cost HUD more money and put some out of jobs.

English Proficiency Conclusion

Conclusions On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. A great majority of the respondents are male, graduates of public high schools, and pursuing the degree program Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE). 2. When the respondents are grouped according to the variable gender, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient.When they are grouped according to the variable type of high school attended, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. When the respondents are grouped according to the variable degree program, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. 3. The respondents do not differ significantly in their skills in asking questions and in responding to questions when they are grouped according to the variable gender.In other words, the male respondents’ ability to ask questions and to respond to questions does not differ from that of the female respondents’ ability to perform the same grammar skills. On the other hand, the respondents differ significantly in their skills in combining sentences and in expanding sentences when they are grouped according to the variable gender. That is, the male respondents’ ability to combine sentences and to expand sentences differs from that of the female respondents’ ability to perform said grammar skills.As to the variable type of high school attended, the respondents do not differ significantly in their skills in asking questions, in responding to questions, in combining sentences, and in expanding sentences. That is, the private high school graduates’ ability to ask questions, to respond to questions, to combine sentences, and to expand sentences do not differ from that of the public high school graduates’ ability to perform said grammar skills.When the respondents are grouped according t o their respective degree programs/sections, they differ significantly in their skills in asking questions, in combining sentences, and in expanding sentences but there is no significant difference in their skills in responding to questions. In other words, the respondents from each of the three sections differ from each other in their ability to perform said grammar skills.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Costa Coffee Essay

Costa Coffee was founded by Italian brother Bruno and Sergio Costa in Lambeth, London in 1971. Then in 1995, Costa was sold to Whitbread Company as its subsidiary. During the period of global economic recession, 2009, Costa achieved a remarkable level with 60% profit increased and 23% revenue increased1. Moreover, as the largest coffee chain in UK, Costa paid  £36m for the acquisition of ‘Coffeeheaven’ at the end of 2009. So far, Costa Coffee operates in 28 countries with the total number of 1,600 stores2. Then what are the key successful factors which made Costa expanded quickly with high profitability in the fast growing and competitive coffee industry? In order to answer this question, I will apply PESTLE Model and STP Process to analyze the strategy and marketing issues. Strategy: PESTLE As a component of the marketing environment, the macroenvironment include many factors which have great effect on the decisions of strategies. Political In 2010, the new government, coalition government (Cameron Ministry), published several new policies which caused the decrease of the poll rating for the party3. And one of them is the Taxation policy. During the past two years, the VAT rate had a fluctuation: decrease from 17.5% to 15% and back to 17.5% in 2009/2010 and increase to 20% in 2011. Clearly, the low VAT rate means lower price to customers and then lead more sales. Also the 20% VAT rate will affect the Costa customers since they may try to stop buying or purchase less to resist the VAT raise. Due to the increasing demand of high-quality coffee, the company who holds certified coffee beans and fair trade coffee beans will gain more product differentiation advantage. From 2008, Costa Coffee has started to convert its entire coffee supply to sustainable grown beans4 which was from Rainforest Alliance Certifiedâ„ ¢ Farms. Also, in order to implement the Fair Trade, in 2006 the Costa Foundation was set up to support the coffee growers lived in Colombia, Guatemala, Uganda and so on5. Through the Costa Foundation, the local people have been provided huge amounts of education opportunities and job positions. Economic During the economic crisis in 2008-2009, the government reduced interest rate and VAT rate in order to boost consumption and accelerate the economic recovery. In some extent, these policies are helpful to raise the sales since people feel like paying less for the same product. However the high unemployment percentage means that the purchasing power of buyer is weak. People cut their budgets on food, cloth, and other non-essential goods, such as coffee. In 2010, the economic started to recover. The VAT rate and interest rate have been raised in order to increase the government revenue. And followed the increased VAT rate, the inflation was higher. As a result of these factors, the prices of ingredient and goods seem to be higher also. Also for the companies like Costa which involved in the foreign exchange, the decreasing exchange rate of sterling will make the companies’ purchasing power weaker. Then under this condition, Costa tried to focus on cost saving and menu changes to keep its profitability6. This is a better way to retain the customer with the old price. However, Costa should be aware of quality of ingredient and taste of new menu products. In my opinion, Costa could consider about cutting operation cost which is a large part of total cost. Sociocultural The growing population implies a huge potential market for coffee industry, but it also means companies need to provide wider ranges of products and services. Also the rising number of educated people will increase the demand for quality coffee. Moreover the change of attitudes to work and leisure has influence to the coffee houses. More and more Laptop generation and white-collar workers prefer coffee shops as their second office because of its relaxed atmosphere and delicious coffee. Costa has already found this trend early and moved its shops into the bookshops. Under the co-operation of Costa Coffee and bookshops, both of them got the benefits on sales. In addition, the change of lifestyle is also a factor. Due to the drink driving legislation, the consumption of alcohol drink has a huge decline. Therefore instead of going to pub, more people are going to the coffee shop. Costa achieved a huge success at the social and cultural communication with the public. Since 19717, Costa Book Awards started to improve the communication between readers and writers. Also Costa encourages everyone to read wide range of books and make personal comments. Technological It is obvious that high technology will offer lots of advantages on efficiency, productivity, and profitability to the coffee brewing world. Therefore Costa should continue updating the information and upgrading the machine. It will be more effective on management if Costa could use a new electronic point of sale (EPOS) system which was first installed by one of the Costa Coffee franchise in 20108. Environmental Company must consider more about the environmental concerns in their production process. They should use sustainable strategy in the long-term. Costa Coffee tried its best to protect environment. In 2009 Costa started to use a number of Iveco Daily 6.5-tonne urban delivery trucks which could improve the fuel efficiency in its daily delivery9. Moreover, the Costa coffee cup could be recycled widely because of the material-certified sustainable pulp. However there are still some uncovered considerations. Recently Costa Coffee was doubted that it did not respect another resource of environment – wildlife (monkeys) according to the TV advertising10. Legal Besides meeting the standards of Employment law, Costa always keeps working on improving the health and safety of products. In 2009 Costa Coffee signed up to the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) drive to provide healthier food outside the home11.